Well, it's been a VERY long while since I've updated this page. In fact, it's been almost a year since I've added any new contact.
The reason... I've been lazy. I spent all of my time and energy last Fall and early Winter in creating and launching "How to Start Your Own Craft Business" and I just kind of let things go on auto-pilot.
Well, I went back to the stats on the craft business site, and noticed that it's still making some very good sales, and people are very interested in starting their own craft business. So, I've decided to revamp the site, restart the blog, and really creating a community of crafters who want to turn their hobby into a full- or part-time business.
So, watch this space over the next few weeks. I'll be creating some new content, and also working on some new ideas for products. I hope you'll be able to participate and help drive the new direction of www.MyCraftBusiness.com, so please join in!
Happy Crafting!
Welcome to the My Craft Business Blog!
Hello and welcome to the Crafting Biz Blog. On this blog, I will be discussing anything and everything to do with how to make money with your crafts. Whether you want a full- or part-time income, you CAN make money with your crafts. And with the help you find on this site, you'll avoid a lot of the potential mistakes that many crafters make when they try to create a crafting business. So, watch this blog over the next few weeks and make sure you add it to your Favorites folder.
Happy Crafting!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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